
"You bet I remember It.It was the biggest part of high sphoal."
Yeah-well-I don’t mean to. be blunt,but,,! think you lied when you, said you were looking for, everyone else during the game*I think you. were doing; something else."
"What 111..."he said madly."You mean to say that, my own friend doesn't believe me?Oh...that's terifficll tell ya^ these tearful reunions are way too, much for me to handle. You’ve been easing in to this, all night,.haven*t you?You1 re really something."
He quit talking for a while and walked around the room trying to control himSel.f."Ya know what I think?I think you were lying, when you said you looked for everyone else.I've thought that, for years now. ..what happened that night Mark;? @0 on and tell me.No one's around.No one that cares at least."
I was dismayed.and quailed.This made not a sliver of sense*Whp, does he think he is?Accusing me like: that without any build-up.Whot a jerkiMaybe I shouldn't have called his name when I saw him.It was too. late now..he had found out.
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"Me, and Paula Dixon .were there together,and we didn't know what to do when we found everybody gone,so we left the stadium.,but we. were gonna come back-don't think we wanted to get rid of all of you.We kept our stubs, so v/e could get back in.We. had both just had our birthdays,and we decided we'd try to get into a bar or something.Paula Dixon,kept tugging on my Goddamn sleeve insisting we go to some half-ass bar that her parents raved about day and night.But meeee...1 gotta make Paula Dixon happy.She is a BITCH!I She con tinually stuck her ugly face in mine making me feel like some kind of kissing, pillo.w.How could I resist?She’s sooo sweet!So Goddamn sweet!She hauled me in and out of every Goddamn bar in town that she could in an hour-until finally-we get to her
- Author
- mark thomas